Why Is Stress On The Rise?

Why Is Stress On The Rise?
Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Why Is Stress On The Rise?

In this modern era, we’ve never had it easier. We have cars to get around, washing machines, microwaves, freezers, health care. Why is stress on the rise?

It’s down to the world we live in – we are not designed to live in it.

In our natural habitat we might get chased by a wild animal and have to run for our lives. This obviously causes stress. However most of this is “burnt off” as we do something about it – run! This life threatening situation is usually over (one way or the other) in a matter of seconds.

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Why is stress on the rise?

Imagine you are sat in a traffic jam. You haven’t moved for ten minutes, and you’re late for work. This is obviously a stressful situation. In this situation you may suffer from more stress than when running for your life! Strange but true. Why?

Because there’s nothing you can do about it. The rules of modern life dictate you must sit and wait. You may experience urges to tell people to get out of the way, crash your way through traffic, or get out of the car and walk (or run!). However you can’t. You must repress these feelings. This feeling of helplessness builds into stress.

In a typical day we may experience this type of situation several times. We have to wait in a long queue, hold for a call centre, get out of bed when you’re really tired, work when you don’t feel like it, etc.

(Find out why stress is like a glass of water)

We are designed to worry for our lives. Millions of years of evolution has taught us that it is a dangerous world. We are hard wired to walk out of the door fearing a predator might grab us and chow down on our succulent limbs.

Stress causes a lot of symptoms such as IBS, poor skin, sleeplessness. Stress also increases our tendency to overeat, smoke, etc. Stress makes us snappy and irritable, and can render us less effective at work.

Help is at hand. Hypnotherapy is great for dealing with stress. It effectively turns down your chattering conscious mind, and accesses your more still, calming subconscious mind, giving you a much needed break…

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