How To Get Whiter Teeth

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Want to know how to get whiter teeth? Read on…

The internet is packed with ‘advice’ about how to have whiter teeth. PLEASE BE CAREFUL… Much of this advice is to be avoided, as it can cause damage in the long term.

Here’s a quick run through what NOT to do to whiten your teeth…

Rinse the mouth with hydrogen peroxide every day. Please DO NOT do this. Whilst you may see some positive results, Hydrogen peroxide has been found to cause tissue hyperplasias, which are precancerous tissue changes, if used for more than 5 days.

Lemon juice is a natural bleach and whitener, and a very good general purpose stain-remover. However it should NEVER be used on teeth. the high Vitamin C content will strip the teeth of calcium and damage it faster than anything else.How To Get Whiter Teeth

In fact avoid using any acids, even it is from relatively harmless ingredients such as strawberry’s or other fruit. You do not know what quantity of acid you are applying, so it is difficult to calculate a safe level. If you must use these methods, then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, then brush with a fluoride toothpaste about 20 minutes later, when your enamel has hardened.

Brushing with salt and baking soda is also commonly recommended. You may see some whitening results, but the prolonged ‘scrubbing’ of your teeth will wear down your enamel, causing greater problems than staining. If you do decide to go down this route, then limit its use to once every two weeks.

Here are some effective and safer methods to get those white teeth you dream of…

Avoid, or a least reduce the consumption of coffee, tea, cola, red wine, tobacco – anything that stains.

Try to brush your teeth after every meal – ideally with an electric toothbrush. They can remove 98.2 percent of plaque, which holds stains. Mouth washes with antibacterial action and plaque dissolvers also help in the prevention of stains. Remember to be careful of brushing too hard as it will strip off the surface enamel, exposing the darker dentine, which is more vulnerable to staining.

If brushing your teeth after every meal is impractical, try chewing gum. Chewing gum has two beneficial actions. It helps to clean your teeth by removing debris, and it also stimulates the production of saliva. (Drinking plenty of water also helps improve the function of the salivary glands.)

This is important as saliva has the ability to neutralise acid and remineralise enamel, strengthening your teeth. Less damage to your enamel means fewer discolourations. Gum that contains Sorbitol has a therapeutic anti-bacterial action which helps kill decay-causing bacteria. Even gum with sugar is beneficial as the sugar quickly dissolves making it effectively into a sugar-free gum after a few minutes.

Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after every meal, if brushing or chewing gum is not an option. This is especially important if you consume drinks that stain. Water will wash away and dilute the damage. If you can’t get to a bathroom sink, swill some water around your mouth and swallow.

Eat more crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples carrots, celery, radishes, and peppers. Your teeth will benefit from the gentle rubbing actions that helps to keep the teeth clean, without causing damage.

Teeth Grinding Hypnosis MP3

Teeth grinding can add to micro-cracking in the teeth and can cause the biting edges to darken. Hypnosis can help by reprogramming your subconscious mind to stop this automatic habit. Please click here for more details about Teeth Grinding Hypnosis.

You can also use ‘tooth bleaching’ to whiten the enamel of your teeth. Dentists and tooth whitening kits use a form of hydrogen peroxide. This is far safer than rinsing your mouth out with it yourself. The hydrogen peroxide in the whitening kits is buffered and there are devices in the kits, such as trays and strips, which minimise tissue exposure to the peroxide.

If you have really serious stains, your dentist might suggest you apply a veneer. A Veneer is usually made of porcelain that is attached to the surface of your natural tooth with a type of durable cement. Veneers are custom-made to the shape and colour of your tooth. The application is painless and the veneer should last around 7-10 years.

Bonding is also a process of applying a cover over a discoloured tooth surface. Here a dentist applies a tooth-coloured plastic resin to the tooth that is then bonded and sculpted to the proper shape.

There is also the process of lazer bleaching. A dentist uses a laser along side a whitening gel. The gel is applied to your teeth and a laser is used to activate the crystals to absorb the energy from the light and penetrate the teeth enamel to increase the lightening effect on the teeth. This is one of the most expensive remedies, but usually the quickest.

There are many ways to help you get a brighter whiter smile. Use your head and make sure you are not doing more harm than good. Look after your teeth traditionally, with regular brushing and avoiding sweet, acidic foods, and staining foods. You should also floss every day.

Dental Phobia HypnosisIf you have more serious stains, visit a dentist, or buy products from a reputable dealer. Be very careful when using the common household remedies, such as hydrogen peroxide, acids, baking soda and salt. They could cause you more harm than good in the long term.

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