A Practical Solution To Weight Loss

A Practical Solution To Weight Loss…

In order to lose weight permanently, you need to permanently change your attitude to food…

Your body is designed to tell you when you are hungry and regulate your natural weight. However modern living seriously ruins this mechanism.

Many people during childhood experience being told to eat all your meal, even when full. You may be rewarded for this with praiseA Practical Solution To Weight Loss, or more food – usually a sweet. From a young age, many of us are conditioned to overeat.

(Reduce your appetite and lose weight fast with Gastric Band Hypnotherapy)

Food is often linked to celebrations, and good times. We may have fond and comforting memories associated with food.

When someone has a problem they may “comfort eat”, drawing on these past experiences for temporary relief. The problem is that the relief is temporary. The problem has not been dealt with by food, and is likely to flare up again, causing more overeating. You must go to the source of your problems and deal with them directly.

Food is not the answer to your problems. In fact gaining weight usually causes more problems. It’s time to nip this in the bud!

Here is a system that can get your mind and body back in tune with your hunger responses…

A Practical Solution For Weight Loss

Look at the chart above. At 10 this is where you have eaten as much as possibly. 0 is where you have not eaten for 24 hours.

If you follow this simple plan, I promise you WILL lose weight. When you eat, do not to exceed 5. This is the point where you have taken the edge off the hunger, but you are not “stuffed”. Ask yourself before, during and after eating what number you are at.

Ask yourself, honestly, which number are you at right now? Being honest is the key, as kidding yourself will only ruin the mind body connection.

Anytime you need to eat, ask yourself honestly at which number you are at. If you are on 5 or more, do not eat. Drink some water, find something fun to do, or deal with any problem you might have (hypnosis may be able to help you with this).

If you are on less than 5, say 3, then it is fine to eat. Enjoy what you are eating, but stop when you are at 5.

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Try it, it really works – as long as you stay honest. Your mind will learn when you are genuinely hungry, and when you are not. This allows our natural mechanisms, which were developed over millions of years, to regulate your weight.

Gastric Band HypnosisEvery now and then you may eat over 5. You are only human! If you do, then be honest with yourself, admit that you indulged yourself, and still be aware of what number you eat to. Was it a 7 or an 8? That way you can return to your good habits with your mind body connection fully intact.

If you want help reducing the amount you eat, I have the perfect solution. It’s Gastric Band Hypnotherapy. It helps you feel full much sooner than usual as it convinces your subconscious mind that you have a gastric band fitted.

Please click here for more details about Gastric band Hypnotherapy

Vitamins For Life

UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Vitamins For Life…

Getting the right vitamins is crucial for a happy and healthy life…

A lack of vitamins suppresses your immune system, making you more likely to contract diseases and infections. It also increases your chances of stress, heart disease and cancer.

Smoking depletes your vitamin B and C levels, so smokers benefit from eating foods rich in these sources, or taking supplements. Better still give up smoking all together.

Heavy drinkers also suffer from a depletion of B vitamins, and they are less able to absorb them from food.

Vitamins For Life(Hypnosis can help you beat any addiction)

Stress also depletes B vitamins, and reduces your ability to create and absorb A vitamins. So you need a greater intake of these if you are under pressure.

Supplements of vitamin B6 are recommended for those who are pregnant or suffering from anxiety or worry.

Here is a quick breakdown of the major vitamins, and where you can find them…

Vitamin A

Helps good eye sight, healthy skin, and boosts the immune system. It can be found in liver, oily fish, eggs, cheese, milk, broccoli, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, peaches.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

Helps the proper functioning of the adrenal glands, which is very important in managing stress.

Vitamin B6

This is an important vitamin. It’s essential to the health of your nervous system. It also helps maintain a healthy immune system.

B6 helps reduce and even eliminate the symptoms of nervous tremors and epileptic fits.

Supplements of B6 are recommended for those suffering from stress, anxiety, and morning sickness. It can be found in most fresh vegetables, fish, and whole grain cereals.

Vitamin B12

B12 is good for your blood and nervous system. It helps fight disease, recover from viral infections, and improve poor appetite. It can be found in fish, red meat, and dairy products.

Vitamin C

Stress inhibits your body’s ability to absorb vitamin C. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to scurvy, lethargy, arthritis, and arteriosclerosis.

Smoking and drinking alcohol is known to deplete vitamin C levels. It can be found in most fruits, peppers, and brussels sprouts.

Vitamin D

Helps the body absorb calcium, and is vital for healthy bones and teeth. It can be found in oily fish, meat, eggs, milk. Vitamin D can be produced by your body when the skin is exposed to sunlight.

Vitamin E

Helps the immune system, protects from infection, and aids healthy blood vessels. It can be found in nuts and seeds, avocado, spinach, and wholemeal bread.

Folic Acid

Prevents anaemia, and aids the effective absorption of nutrients. It can be found in eggs, liver, brown rice, beans, lentils, and green leafy vegetables.

There are also a number of minerals that need considering…


Helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, and helps prevent osteoporosis. It can be found in dairy products, sardines, and green leafy vegetables.


A deficiency of iron can lead to anaemia, mouth ulcers, tiredness, and depression. It can be found in spinach, red meat, liver, beans, lentils, and green vegetables.


Zinc deficiency is a common sign of stress. Zinc is good for the immune system, appetite, and energy levels. It can be found in seafood, dairy products, meat, and green leafy vegetables.

These nutrients are best taken in their natural forms in foods you eat. Unfortunately modern living does not always allow this. Supplements may sometimes be required.

A good quality multivitamin supplement may provide a safety net, but still attempt to eat these nutrients from their natural sources. The processing of foods often kills a lot of these vitamins and minerals.

Cooking can also kill vitamins, so try not to overcook. The best way to cook to preserve vitamins and minerals is to steam.

Find eating the right things difficult? I can help program your subconscious mind to WANT to eat good things…

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Health Benefits Of Standing More

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Health Benefits Of Standing More…

This one simple change to your lifestyle could help you lose weight, half your chances of heart disease, decrease your chances of getting cancer, reduce symptoms of arthritis, and help you be healthier in many other ways…

What is it?

Modern life keeps progressively moving us further away from how we are naturally supposed to live. Advances in medical care and cleanliness help us stay healthier, but other aspects harm our health. If we can take the best of both worlds, then we can be REALLY healthy.

Here is one habit that modern life encourages, which detriments our health. It is – sitting down…

In these modern times most people spend a big portion of their day sitting down. Too much. They sit down at home watching TV, sit down at work, and sit down whilst driving from one place to another. We hardly ever need to stand up if we don’t want to. We don’t even need to stand up to switch on the TV any more. Research has consistently shown that sitting down for too long is not a healthy way to live. In fact it is very damaging.

Health Benefits Of Standing More

Research On Sitting Down

As far back as the 1950’s research on sitting down shows the health benefits of standing more. A study comparing bus drivers to conductors showed that the conductors who stood for most of the day had a 50% lower risk of developing heart disease than the bus drivers who sat down.

Research has also shown that standing up burns around 50 calories more per hour than sitting down. The cumulative effects of this is great for weight loss. Just one hour per day standing would burn about 1500 more calories per month. Four hours per day would be around 6000 extra calories per month burned. That’s around two extra pounds of fat burnt.

Standing more can also help ease symptoms of arthritis, reduce blood pressure, and decrease our chances of developing diabetes. This is serious stuff.

What can I do?

The obvious answer is to stand more if you spend most of your day sat down. If you work at a desk, then make sure you stand up for a minute or two every half hour. Although this won’t help you burn many more calories, it will at least help get your blood flowing around your body, and reduce aches associated with sitting down for long periods of time.

Better still, persuade your employer to get you an adjustable workstation. This is where you can raise or lower the height of your desk so that you can alternate between standing and sitting whilst you work. This can make a MASSIVE difference to your health and well-being. You can then spend some of your day stood up whilst working.

There’s a great selection of height adjustable desks available at Amazon. They are well worth checking out here – HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE DESKS

If you can’t get an adjustable desk then a good tactic is to take all your phone calls stood up. This helps you be more energetic during the call, and it gives you a trigger to stand up regularly.

Give yourself plenty of excuses to stand up throughout the day. Perhaps you can take on some additional roles that require more standing up, such as stock taking. I even used to volunteer to go out and buy the dinners so that I could stretch my legs and get some fresh air.

We are not designed to be sat down all day. Find as many ways as you can to keep yourself moving.

Being sat down all day is not natural, and our bodies are not designed for this.

Final thoughts

More research is confirming the massive health benefits of standing more. It is only a matter of time before employers will be obliged to provide the option of standing work stations for their employees. They would be smart to do this now in order to avoid the potential of law suits in the future.

It’s possible that people with certain illnesses will start suing their employers if they were made to sit for long periods of time for many years. This happened when workers were made to breath in certain fumes for years. Forward them this article – it might just help persuade them to make provisions for you!


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How To Speed Read

How To Speed Read

How To Speed ReadHere I will show you all the techniques you need to learn how to speed read…FOR FREE!

There are many courses out there that make bold claims that they can help you read at extraordinary speeds. They charge a fortune for online speed reading courses, books, DVD’s etc. Here you can get these speed reading tips for free!

There is a pay out to speed reading fast. The faster you read, the harder it is to comprehend and remember the information. That is why you need to practice comprehending at fast speeds, and learning what to ignore.

When a child first learns to read, their comprehension levels are low. They build this up with practice. You must do the same – at speed! When you are good enough, you can re-read material two or three times and understand it more than reading it at a normal pace, which would take longer.

Here are the tips to help you increase your reading speed…

In order to learn how to speed read, you first need to time your present reading speed. Find out how fast you read now so you can observe your improvement. This will help motivate you. You cannot compare times by reading the same text as before as you will be more familiar with it. You must choose a different text, but of a similar difficulty each time in order to get a fair comparison. Test yourself about once every week, and reward yourself for any improvements.

Practice and push yourself – Speed reading is a skill that requires a lot of practice. You must push yourself beyond your comfort levels. Keep practising regularly – daily if you can. Hypnosis can help you concentrate better on your speed reading.

Read in a quiet place – You can instantly increase your reading speed if you remove all distractions whilst you read. Turn off the TV, stereo and phone. Find a room where you will not be disturbed for a set period of time.

Learn to adjust reading speed depending on the material – Usually we must trade off comprehension for speed. You must learn how to recognise how thoroughly you need to understand what you are reading. This comes with experience – the more you do it, the quicker you will cotton on. You may not wish to read an emotional novel at speed for example.

Before you start reading some text, decide how fast you intend to go. If you’re reading a newspaper article, you may wish to just get the main ideas, and skim through it. If you are reading a deeper more complicated article, then you may wish to understand it more thoroughly, and adjust your reading speed accordingly.

Learn to separate important text from ‘filler’ –  There is usually a lot of ‘filler’ that you can read quickly through or even skim over. With practice you can identify the most important parts of a text as you skim through it. Before you begin reading, look over the whole text very quickly. Try to find patterns of repeated words, key ideas, bold print and other indicators of important concepts. When you come to reading, you may be able to skim over large portions of the text, slowing only when you come to something you know is important.

Stop reading to yourself – Most people when they read sub-vocalise, or pronounce the words to themselves. Some people move their lips or say the words under their breath. Other people say each word in their heads. These slow you down. Try to get yourself in the habit of not doing this. Focus on whether you do this. Stop yourself whenever you notice yourself do it.

Practice reading blocks of words – In order to read quickly you need to read groups of words – or even whole sentences or short paragraphs instantaneously. Most people read three or four words at a time. If you make yourself aware of how many words you read at a time, you can gradually increase this. Try holding the book a little further from your eyes to help see a wider field.

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Click here find out how to become a speed-reading SUPER LEARNER!

Train yourself not to reread Most people often stop and skip back to words or sentences they just read to try to make sure they understood the meaning. This is usually unnecessary, but can easily become a habit. Smooth consistent eye motion is essential to speed reading. Here are a few methods to help this:..

The Hand – Place your right hand on the page and slowly move it straight down, drawing your eyes down as you read. Keep an even slow motion as if your right hand has its own mind. Your eyes may not be exactly where your hand is, but this simple motion will help you go faster. Keep the movement slow and smooth and try not to stop.

The Card – Use a card or a piece of paper over the line of text to block the words after you read them. Draw it down the page slowly and evenly and try to read the passage before you cover the words up. This helps break the habit of reading a passage over again. Push yourself and move the card down faster than you think you can go.

The Sweep – Another method is to use your hand to help draw your eyes across the page. Cup your right hand a little and keep your fingers together. With a very light and smooth motion, sweep your fingers from left to right, underlining the line with the tip of your index finger from about an inch in and an inch out on each line.

The Hop – Similar to the sweep method is the “hop”. In the hop you lift your fingers and make two even bounces on each line. Each time you bounce you make a fixation which should catch sets of three or four words. This method makes it easier to keep a steady pace as you can build up a rhythm, like when tapping your fingers on a table.

The Zig-Zag or Loop Take your hand and cut across the text diagonally about three lines and then slide back to the next line. The idea here is not to see each word, but to scan the entire area, letting your mind pick out the main ideas.

Accelerated Learning Subliminal MP3Unfortunately there is no magical formula to learn how to speed read. It takes hard work and perseverance, but it can be done. You may or may not see the ‘amazing results’ you expected, but you can see a big improvement over time.

If you are struggling then read texts you have read before. It is easier to skip words, and will help you get into good habits. You could also try reading texts with large fonts.

Remember to take regular breaks. You cannot concentrate for more than half an hour and you must keep your eyes healthy and avoid straining them.

Want to learn quicker? My subliminal session will program your subconscious for accelerated learning…

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Some Facts on Giving Up Smoking

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Some Facts on Giving Up Smoking…

There are many health benefits to giving up smoking. Immediately your body benefits, and improves for many years.

Read this regularly to motivate yourself to continue being a non-smoker

CLICK HERE To Find Out Why E-Cigarettes Are A Waste Of Money

Some Facts on Giving Up SmokingWithin:-

  • 20 minutes – Blood pressure and heart rate returns to normal.
  • 8 hours – Oxygen levels in your blood return to normal, reducing chances of heart attacks.
  • 24 hours – Carbon monoxide leaves your body and your lungs begin to clear out mucus and debris.
  • 48 hours – Nicotine is totally eliminated from your body, and your sense of taste and smell begins to improve.
  • 72 hours – Lung capacity increases, making breathing easier, and increases energy levels.
  • 2-12 weeks – Circulation improves and your lungs become 30% more efficient, making exercise easier.
  • 3-9 months – Breathing problems such as coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing improve. Energy levels continue to increase.
  • 5 years – Chances of getting cancer significantly reduce. The risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.
  • 10 years – Pre cancerous cells are replaced by healthy cells. Risk of heart attack falls to about the same as someone who has never smoked.

If you need some extra help, check out my quit smoking hypnotherapy pack. It gives help before, during, and after you’ve quit…

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Why Did You Start Smoking?

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Why Did You Start Smoking?

When I ask patients why they started smoking, the most common response is peer pressure. Young people, especially in their teens, associate smoking with being sophisticated and mature.

In their haste to grow up, teenagers aspiring to be an adult start to smoke.

Most people when describing their first cigarette talk about feeling sick, dizzy, coughing etc. These are the body’s way of saying “STOP!”. However the young smoker persists through fear of being isolated by their friends.

Does this sound familiar?

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Their body eventually accepts the smoke and gradually backs off from giving warning signs. The smoker feels they can now “handle smoking”. In fact damage is still being done, it’s just that their mind is now telling their body to ignore it.Why Did You Start Smoking?

With repetition, the subconscious can be fooled into thinking that smoking is necessary for survival – like food and water. When the nicotine levels drop, the subconscious begins to signal that it needs more. This is when cravings occur.

Many smokers claim that smoking helps them relax. This is not strictly true. Nicotine raises blood pressure, and the carbon monoxide decreases the blood’s ability to absorb oxygen. This has the effect of making you feel less relaxed, as your heart beats faster.

The craving of the unconscious mind to replenish nicotine levels is unpleasant. This unpleasantness can be removed by having a cigarette, creating the illusion that it helps relaxation.

This is what can be described as a “vicious circle”, which hypnotherapy can help with. Hypnotherapy tells your subconscious mind there is no benefit to smoking. You no longer want to look “mature and cool” and smoking is not needed for your survival. Once your subconscious knows this, it’s far easier to quit for good.

If you would like some hypnotherapy help quitting smoking…

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Lose Weight By Skipping Breakfast?


Would you recommend an underweight friend skip breakfast to put on weight?

For years we were told to eat three square meals every day to stay healthy, and lose weight. This is no longer relevant to modern lifestyles…


Could You Lose Weight By Skipping Breakfast?The term “square meal” was first coined because of the Navy regulations in the 18th Century. All seamen were entitles to 3 meals per day, which consisted of gruel, served on square plates.

The Romans didn’t eat breakfast at all. They believed that it was healthier to eat one meal per day, which was their evening meal. The concept of breakfast didn’t really take off until the industrial revolution in the 19th century. Workers started eating food before starting their long gruelling day at work. They needed to do this to sustain their energy levels throughout their hard day.

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At the beginning of the 20th century, breakfast was revolutionised by John Harvey Kellogg, who invented the breakfast cereal. By the 1950’s there were toasters, instant coffee and sliced bread widely available. This was when the modern breakfast really began.

In the 20th century

People were encouraged to eat 3 meals per day in order to stay healthy. Work was more physical, and domestic life was too. There were less labour saving devices like washing machines and cars. The majority of people worked long hours labouring, and had more physically difficult lives. They burned far more calories than people generally do today.

There was less money to go round, and food was more expensive than it is today. Many people struggled to afford to eat enough. So people generally needed to be reminded to eat more, or they risked becoming underweight, which can lead to many health problems.

Modern living

In modern times people don’t generally need to exert themselves as much, so they don’t burn as many calories. Most people in developed countries can afford to eat as much as they want. There is little chance that people are forced to be underweight. In fact the opposite is true. Many people are now overweight by regularly eating more calories than they burn.

The truth is that most people no longer need to be encouraged to eat more. They need to be encouraged to eat less. Most people with sedatory jobs do not need to eat three square meals every day. A normal healthy person would not suffer any health problems eating 2 meals per day, and it would not make them put on weight either.

+Bad for the metabolism?

It is not true that eating fewer meals will make a person put on weight. There has been no scientific research to back this up. Most research shows that there is no relationship between meal frequency and time, and gaining weight.

These are claims from the weight loss industry who don’t want people to lose weight. They like to make weight loss more complicated than it really is in order for people to be confused enough to buy their products.

Put it this way – if you had a loved one who was underweight, would you recommend they skipped breakfast to put weight on?

The only way a person can put on weight is by consuming more calories than they burn. It doesn’t matter what time of day you eat the calories. If you burn 2500 calories over the course of a day, and eat a big 2000 calorie meal in the evening, you will still lose a little bit of weight. This makes total 100% mathematical sense. Research has also shown that meal frequency has no bearing on the metabolism.

Try skipping a meal

So if you want to lose weight, why not try skipping a meal? There is nothing wrong with skipping breakfast, unless you have a really physical job or health problems such as diabetes.

Breakfast is often the best meal to skip. Most people eat things such as toast or cereal, which give you a lot of calories without providing much nutrition. Without breakfast you will feel hungry for the first 2 or 3 days, but quickly you will get used to this and it will become normal.

Making this one change could save you around 500 calories per day, depending on what you used to eat for breakfast. That is around 3500 calories per week. This is around the same amount of calories that it takes to make one pound of body fat.

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So if you make this change, you could lose a pound of fat per week – that’s 52 in a year!

Final thoughts

All you need to do is live the same as before, but skip one meal a day. This makes it sustainable in the long run. Be careful that you don’t “make up” for missing a meal by eating more throughout the rest of the day. Cut out one meal and live the same, and see what happens after a month. You may be very pleasantly surprised.

If you need more help losing weight, take a look at my Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Pack. It convinces your mind that you’ve had a gastric band fitted, and significantly reduces your appetite…

CLICK HERE For More Information About Gastric Band Hypnotherapy

Seasonal Diet Damage Limitation

Around Thanksgiving and Christmas we are bombarded with food, food and more food…with plenty of alcohol to wash it down. This puts a great deal of strain on your body.

Seasonal Diet Damage Limitation

Rather than eat like a rabbit, you should enjoy yourself. As long as you don’t overdo the festivities, you can greatly reduce the damage.

Here’s a few tactics to help you minimise the damage of your festive feasting..

Fatty Foods

A thick, juicy burger and a mountain of fries seemed like a good idea at the time. Now you’ve got the grease and fat working its way through your digestive system, leaving you tired and bloated. If this is the case, you should make sure that your next meal is full of fibre.

The fibre will bind with the fat and speed up its trip through your digestive system. You can find fibre in all types of food: fruit, veg, cereals, wholemeal pasta and rice.

Walnuts make a good snack after a fatty meal as they protect your arteries from fat deposits and help maintain a healthy heart.

Please CLICK HERE if you want to learn how to stick to your new year resolutions

Salty Foods

Salted snack treats, soups, takeaways all contain a lot of salt. Order a Chinese from the local takeaway and there’s a very good chance that, in one meal, you’ll digest more than your daily limit of salt.

The dangers of eating too much salt include raised blood pressure, hardened arteries and osteoporosis.

When possible, you should eliminate adding salt to meals. If you must flavour your food try using pepper, lemon juice, herbs or spices. When you have eaten a salty snack or meal, make sure you wash it down with plenty of water to flush out the excess salt.

Celery is a great snack for ridding excess salt. It has the added benefit of being a great weight loss food. Its calorie count is so low you almost burn more calories eating it than you take in!

Sugary Foods

All those fizzy drinks, sweets, candy and biscuits carry a price. They leave you feeling bloated and, after the initial sugar rush, your energy levels crash.

Much like salt it can be hard to cut back on sugar because it’s hidden in so many foods. However, unlike salt, sugar offers no health benefits. It’s solely a source of calories.

Like salt, the answer lies in drinking plenty of water to flush out your system.

Cinnamon is known to help reduce blood sugar levels, so try sprinkling it on your coffee, cereal or yogurt.


“Binge drinking” is more prevalent at Christmas than any time of the year. It damages organs, provides empty calories and increases your risk of several different kinds of cancer.

There’s a reason why a fry-up is a common hangover cure – eggs effectively mop up toxins in your liver and keep blood sugar levels on an even keel.

However a fry-up contains both the fatty and salty food groups. Instead try scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast.

Finally, and I hate to say this… sprouts are an excellent food, full of anti-toxins which greatly reduce your risk of getting cancer. Still, I’ll only eat them once a year!

If you DON’T want to put on weight this festive period, then here is the perfect thing for you. I can reprogram your subconscious mind to crave healthier foods…

Please CLICK HERE For More Details Of My Sensible Eating Hypnosis

How To Remember Names

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

Do you get embarrassed because you forget peoples’ names? I can help you learn how to remember names…

Remembering names is a powerful way to get on in life. Imagine how you would feel if you took your car to a garage, then 6 months later you return and they remember your name. Wouldn’t you feel like a valued customer? Wouldn’t you be more likely to return with a smile on your face? This is great for business.

This skill can help you in other areas of your life too. If you are at a party and talk to someone and remembered their name at the next party, wouldn’t that make you stand out from the crowd? You can gain new friends and even a new partner because of this.

I will share with you an impressive technique how to remember names…

How To Remember NamesWhen I learnt this technique several years ago I went to a party with my then girlfriend. I knew nobody there. I set myself up for a boring night! I decided to ask her everyone’s name in the room. She also told me a little bit about each of them. I must have remembered about 50 people’s names, and even the information attached to them. I could not have remembered 5 people’s names without this technique…

Before I share this technique with you, I will quickly run through some important basic principals of good memory…

You must believe you have a good memory, and have faith in it. If you believe you have a poor memory, your mind will prove you right.

We remember things that stand out. If a pink elephant walked past you in the supermarket, then you will remember this for years. You probably wouldn’t remember a dog walking past you an hour after it happens.

(CLICK HERE if you want to learn how experts memorise huge lists of things. ANYONE can do this.)

We remember things that we pay attention to. A lot of forgetting is down to people not paying attention. If someone asks you to remember to do something, briefly imagine yourself doing it. Think about when and where you will do this. The more details you attach to this, the more likely you are to remember it.

A relaxed mind helps memory. When you are trying to remember something, stay relaxed. Also keep a relaxed mind when recalling memories. If you are struggling to recall something, do not get frustrated. Instead forget about it for a while. Often your unconscious mind carries on looking for this information without you realizing it. The memory often pops into your head when you least expect it. Has this happened to you?

Right then, I said earlier that I would share the technique for remembering people’s names – remember?! Here goes …

The technique how to remember names

When you meet someone, ask them their name. Be interested in their name. Say it to yourself a few times. Use their name in conversation. This helps drum it into your brain.

If they have an unusual name, ask them about it. Find out what it means – why they were named this. It’s amazing how much this helps. The information about their name creates a ‘hook’ for you to hang the dry information of their name.

When someone tells you their name,find a way to link it to them. For example someone called Michelle may be wearing shells round her neck. However you will probably not be so lucky! Instead, visualise them wearing LOTS of oversized shells. Make it a big, bright and bold visualisation. Then when you are trying to recall her name, an image of Michelle covered in shells will remind you.

Sometimes I imagine them interacting in some unusual way with a celebrity of the same name. If for example a man says he is called Tom, then you may imagine him having a fight with Tom Cruise. Try to visualize it as vividly as you can. Use as many of your sense as you can. Make this image funny, scary, unusual – something that stands out. When you next see this person and think about their name, this image literally pops up into your mind to remind you.

This technique is  great for building up your creative powers as you have to get creative to find a link. It can be difficult, but there is always one somewhere.

Final thoughts

Now you know How To Remember Names. As with most things in life, the more you do it the better you get. If you keep in mind these techniques and use them regularly, you will find that you quickly become better using them. If you stick to using these principals, you will find that you start to using them without even thinking about it. Then you will feel that you have a great memory. Remember where you got this information from when you rich, generous and successful!

Hypnosis can unlock your powerful memory from your subconscious mind.

Please CLICK HERE for details of my memory hypnosis session

How To Reduce Your Risk of Catching A Cold

Jon Rhodes
UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes

How To Reduce Your Risk of Catching A Cold…

Although there is no cure for a common cold, you can significantly reduce your chances of catching a cold. Here’s some tips…

Did you know that most colds are NOT spread by breathing in an air born virus?

This is how most colds are actually spread…

Most of us regularly touch our faces and noses throughout the day. When you have a cold and touch your nose, you deposit some of the cold virus onto your hands. This can be left on door handles, surfaces, telephones etc. Someone comes along, touches one of these objects, and then touches their nose. This deposits the virus into their system.

How To Reduce Your Risk of Catching A ColdTo avoid this, wash your hands regularly throughout the day. However be careful not to develop an obsession around this! Also avoid touching your nose.

Just doing this will significantly reduce your chances of catching a cold.

Stress can suppress your immune system, rendering your body more vulnerable for viral infection. Hypnotherapy is great at reducing stress, and can strengthen your immune system. (Check out my Super Relaxation Hypnosis MP3)

Your diet can also help you avoid colds. Garlic and Echinacea boost your immunity to colds. Black and green teas also contain many antiviral compounds including tannins.

There are hundreds of different strains of the cold virus and it would be impossible to totally avoid them. However by following these pieces of advice you should significantly reduce your likelihood of suffering from them.

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